
Saving time & money with Watermarks

There’s nothing better than saving time. We love collaborating with Solvers to help them maximise their efficiency and get the most out of Snap Send Solve.

When Whitehorse City Council asked if we could automate adding watermarks on images, a tedious task manually, we knew we could make something great for our customers. Here’s why adding watermarks was a no-brainer.

Benefit One: Time-saving

Simple but time-consuming tasks are prime targets for automation. If you’ve added a watermark manually, you know how dull the process can be. But keeping all the details in one easy-to-reference place saves lots of time. By automating the process, Solvers can instead focus on resolving the incident rather than busy work.

Benefit Two: Verification & Accuracy

Accurate information is integral to a timely and effective solve.

Our watermarks imprint location data including report submission time, street address, and coordinates. It is easier than ever for Solvers to know where the issue is, when the incident was submitted, and track recurrent problems over time.

Not only does this added accuracy and simplicity help Solvers, but it also helps if they pass on the report to another organisation.

Benefit Three: Funding

Not all incident types are equal, and some incidents can qualify for funding from grants and other government agencies. But getting access to this funding can require jumping through some hoops, including having watermarked images of the incident in question. Removing any barrier to accessing these kinds of funds for our Solvers is a huge benefit, and we’re happy to have removed this hurdle.

How to Access Watermarks

If you want to enable watermarks, it is as easy as contacting contact@snapsendsolve.com. Have you thought of something that should be added to Snap Send Solve? Reach out.

An illustrated graphic of the app screen with a Snapper character
An illustrated graphic of the app screen with a Snapper character
An illustrated graphic of the app screen with a Snapper character
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