Poorly Parked Scooters
Did you know? You can now report poorly parked e-scooters and e-bikes directly to their Solver with our app. We’ve seen a 30% increase in e-scooter reporting in the last year, which lead us to add the operators to our platform and introduce a new category.
E-scooters are being mistreated, often ending up in the Yarra River and other waterways; polluting the envrionment and clogging waterways. Poorly parked e-scooters can also pose accessibility issues as they clog up the footpath for wheelchairs, prams and everyone going past.
Snap Send Solve is an advocate for the mobility solutions e-scooters and e-bikes provide, but they must be parked in a way that does not impact accessibility for others. Our CEO Danny Gorog, comments in an interview with Ian Royall from the Herald Sun, that “overseas I’ve used e-scooters in European cities and you can only get off them in certain areas, like docking zones.”
Learn more about Snapping out of place e-scooters and e-bikes.
Improve community accessibility and start Snapping e-scooters and e-bikes today. Ready the full story by Ian Royall below.