What are your thoughts on fortnightly bin collection?
Many residents feel the recent changes to fortnightly bin collection have caused more headaches than solutions. From overflowing bins to an uptick in illegal dumping, it's clear there's a lot on our plates (and our streets).
Knox Councillor Darren Pierce shared his thoughts: “It was done with the best of intentions, but theory just hasn’t worked out in practice.” It's a sentiment echoed by many in our community who are seeing the less-than-ideal results first-hand.
In a recent segment, Reid Butler highlighted exclusive Snap Send Solve data showing that rubbish and bin issues are the most reported problems among Victorians.
But here’s the silver lining, whether you’ve got a bin that’s been missed or a spot that’s turned into a dumping ground, by Snapping these issues you’re making a real difference. Your Snaps go directly to the right Solver who can fix the problem, making our shared spaces cleaner and more enjoyable for everyone.
Watch the full segment below to get the scoop on what’s happening with our bins.