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Report Illegal Parking

August 20, 2024

Looking for the right people to help you report illegal parking in your community? We’re here to help connect you with a Solver to report illegal parking in Australia or New Zealand when you use the Snap Send Solve app, or create a Snap using the form below. Using Snap Send Solve, you can report illegal parking directly to someone at your local council in just under 30 seconds.

When is a car parked illegally?

While Solvers across Australia and New Zealand have different rules around what constitutes an illegal park, illegal parking can include:

  • Overstaying time limits
  • Parking in a restricted zone without permission
  • Parking in a way that obstructs traffic and/or pedestrians
  • Failure to park safely or appropriately
  • Double parking

In most circumstances, when you report illegal parking via Snap Send Solve, your Snap will be sent to a Solver at your local council, who will send a parking officer to investigate.

Can you report someone for parking on the pavement?

In the majority of areas and councils in Australia and New Zealand, a driver must not stop on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path, dividing strip, or a nature strip. You can report bad parking and dangerous parking via the Snap Send Solve app, or by using the form above.

Can you report illegal disabled parking?

You can report illegal disabled parking easily via the Snap Send Solve app, or by using the form above. You can find the option to create a Snap to report illegal disabled parking in the ‘Parking – Disabled’ incident type, under ‘Parking & Cars’.

Can I report illegal parking on private property?

Cars parked illegally in public areas can be Snapped via our app, or by using the form above. Currently, you cannot report a parking violation on private property via Snap Send Solve. Illegal parking on private property, such as shopping centre car parks, should be reported directly to the landowner. As Snap Send Solve grows, we’ll keep adding more businesses to our platform, like shopping centres, so you can Snap issues, no matter who’s responsible.

How do I report an illegally parked car online?

Using a report illegal parking app solves questions like “where do I report illegal parking?” and “who do you call to report illegal parking to?” Snap Send Solve also makes collecting details such as the number plate, make, model and colour of an illegally parked car simple and streamlined. This makes your Snap super easy to Solve. Just Snap a photo, add a description and we’ll notify the right people!

Should I report illegal parking?

When you report illegal parking using the Snap Send Solve app or form, issues like traffic, as well as cars obstructing roads and pedestrians, can be Solved quickly and efficiently. Reporting illegally parked cars will help to create more parking spaces in your local area. Be a part of making your community cleaner, safer and better.

So, what happens next?

When you Snap an illegally parked car, your photos, notes and location information help the Solver pinpoint active issues and start working to Solve them. In most cases, a Solver from your local council will send a parking officer to inspect the parking offence. From there, the parking inspector can either issue a notice or infringement, and following this, organise for the car to be towed if necessary.

We’ve found that Snappers report high response rates and prompt resolutions when using Snap Send Solve, without time spent waiting on the phone or following up emails. Snap using the app so you can easily track the progress in the History section, as well as provide feedback, along with your satisfaction rating.

Solvers each have their own customer service level standards and will provide feedback on your Snaps depending on their time and resources. If your report isn’t Solved right away, you can also send a Nudge two weeks after sending your Snap, which is a friendly follow up signal to the Solver.

Report illegal parking – NSW

When you report illegal parking in Sydney and the rest of New South Wales, you’ll need to include:

  • Time
  • Date
  • Incident location
  • Description of the vehicle including the number plate
  • Images

Reporting illegal parking in NSW has never been easier – Snap Send Solve allows you to take photos on the go and report in just seconds. Want to know how to report illegal parking in NSW? The exact geo location of your Snap also helps the Solver pinpoint the exact location of the illegally parked car.

Use our report illegal parking NSW app or form above to connect with the right Solver for your local area. In New South Wales you may be issued on-the-spot fines for illegal parking from upwards of $116

Report illegal parking – QLD

When you report illegal parking in Brisbane and the rest of Queensland, you’ll need to include:

  • Vehicle registration number (if available)
  • Colour, make, model and type of vehicle (provide as much information as possible)
  • Reason for reporting the vehicle
  • Exact location of vehicle (provide as much detail as possible)
  • The time of day the vehicle is or was parked illegally
  • Any additional information to help to locate the vehicle (for example, if this happens regularly, please provide details of the days, times and how often)

Collecting these details has never been easier, Snap Send Solve allows you to take photos on the go and report in just seconds.

The exact geo location of your Snap also helps the Solver pinpoint the exact location of the illegally parked car. Use our app or form above to connect with the right Solver for your local area.

Report illegal parking – WA

When you report illegal parking in Perth and the rest of Western Australia, you’ll need to include:

  • Description of vehicle involved (registration, make, model and colour)
  • Date, time and place it was parked
  • Any additional information to help to locate the vehicle

Collecting these details has never been easier, Snap Send Solve allows you to take photos on the go and report in just seconds.

The exact geo location of your Snap also helps the Solver pinpoint the exact location of the illegally parked car. Use our app or form above to connect with the right Solver for your local area.

For urgent matters, for example, where a vehicle is blocking your driveway, please call your local council directly and a parking officer will attend as soon as possible.

Report illegal parking – VIC

When you report illegal parking in Melbourne and the rest of Victoria, you’ll need to include:

  • Description of vehicle involved (registration, make, model and colour)
  • Date, time and place it was parked
  • Any additional information to help to locate the vehicle

Collecting these details has never been easier, Snap Send Solve allows you to take photos on the go and report in just seconds.

The exact geo location of your Snap also helps the Solver pinpoint the exact location of the illegally parked car. Use our app or form above to connect with the right Solver for your local area. In Melbourne, parking fines range from $92 to $185, depending on the offence.

Report illegal parking – SA

When you report illegal parking in Adelaide and the rest of South Australia, you’ll need to include:

  • Description of vehicle involved (registration, make, model and colour)
  • Date, time and place it was parked
  • Any additional information to help to locate the vehicle

Collecting these details has never been easier, Snap Send Solve allows you to take photos on the go and report in just seconds.

The exact geo location of your Snap also helps the Solver pinpoint the exact location of the illegally parked car. Use our app or form above to connect with the right Solver for your local area.

Report illegal parking – ACT

When you report illegal parking in Canberra and the rest of the Australian Capital Territory, you’ll need to include:

  • Description of vehicle involved (registration, make, model and colour)
  • Date, time and place it was parked
  • Any additional information to help to locate the vehicle

Collecting these details has never been easier, Snap Send Solve allows you to take photos on the go and report in just seconds.

The exact geo location of your Snap also helps the Solver pinpoint the exact location of the illegally parked car. Use our app or form above to connect with the right Solver for your local area.

Report illegal parking – NZ

When you report illegal parking in Auckland and the rest of New Zealand, you’ll need to include:

  • Description of vehicle involved (registration, make, model and colour)
  • Date, time and place it was parked
  • Any additional information to help to locate the vehicle

Collecting these details has never been easier, Snap Send Solve allows you to take photos on the go and report in just seconds.

The exact geo location of your Snap also helps the Solver pinpoint the exact location of the illegally parked car. Use our app or form above to connect with the right Solver for your local area.

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